Wednesday, 12 September 2012

SAS Interview Qstns and Topics List from Arvind Dama

SAS Interview Qstns and Topics List:

  1. How many data types we have in SAS?
  2. What are the limitations for memory allocation for SAS variables
  3. What is max no rows and cols can be handled in SAS?
  4. What is storage capability of SAS?
  5. Why do we use Infile and Input Statements in SAS?
  6. What are the SAS naming rules?
  7. What is the difference between Rename and Label ?
  8. Single @ vs double @@
  9. Missover Vs truncover
  10. Dlm and dsd
  11. How to handle huge data
  12. Necessity of informats
  13. : and & modifiers.
  14. Purpose of infile and input statements
  15. Why do we Formats and Informats in SAS
  1. Give me some names of function you know (eg. Intck, intnx, weekday, substr, scan)
  2. Length Vs lengthc functions
  3. Cat vs catx functions
  4. Retain statement
  5. Do-Loop
  6. Arrays
  7. What is the output for the following code:
Format x date9.;
          8.      x= ‘abc’;    x = ‘abcd’;
          9.      y = 24;     y = 2456;
         10.  x = 123456789;     y=substr(x,3,4);
         11.  Intck() Vs intnx()
         12.  Index() vs scan()
         13.  List of system options.
         14.  Significance of 1920 and significance of 1st jan 1960;
         15.  What is the diff b/w arithmetic summation and sum function?
         16.  Put() and input() functions
         17.  INFILE & INPUT statements Vs FILE & PUT statements
         18.  Mod(), round() and int()
         19.  Length(), lengthc(), substr(), scan(), index(), compress(), compbl().
         20.  Day(), month(), year(), MDY(), datejul(), intck() and intnx().
         21.  If-then-else.
         22.  Do-while Vs Do-until
         23.  Label statement.
         24.  IF vs WHERE statements
         25.  LENGTH statement

  1. Proc Sort – nodup/nodupkey/dupout/out=
  2. Proc Report – Define/Group/Order/Break/Rbreak/Compute
  3. Proc Tabulate (Page, Row, Col), how to add statistics to Tabulate Report
  4. Proc transpose – By / Var / ID statements
  5. Can u change values ‘F’ to ‘M’ and ‘M’ to ‘F’ in sashelp.class table?
  6. Proc Means – By / Class /Output Out= /  
  7. How _type_ and _Freq_ are calculated?
  8. Proc Datasets
  9. Proc Compare
  10. Proc Format
  11. Proc Printto
  3. How to create html/rtf/pdf outputs.
  4. How can you apply style attributes to different procs like PRINT, REPORT, Tabulate …
  1. Set ds1 dsn2; Vs Set dsn1; Set dsn2;
  2. Proc Append – Force option
  3. Append Vs Stacking
  4. How to update an existing dataset with another SAS dataset using DATA step?
  5. Interleaving Vs stacking
  6. Merge with BY Vs Merge without BY statements
  7. Merge with IN = option
  8. First.var and Last.var —– Purpose?
  9. Merge Vs Joins
  1. Syntax for a) CREATE table b) INSERT c) INNER joins
  2. How to Sort datasets
  3. How to remove duplicates
  4. How to count no. of observations
  5. How to get employee details with highest salary
  6. How to get employee details with second highest salary
  7. What is union and union corr ?
  8. What is self  join
  9. How to create a view
  10. Table Vs View
  11. What is Cartesian product?
  12. Group By / Order By / Having
  13. Tables VS Views
  1. Libname
  2. SQL Passthrough
  3. DBload process
  4. Libname Vs SQL Pass through
  5. DBlaod Vs (Libname & SQL Passthrough)
  6. Syntax for libname
  7. Syntax for sql pass through
  8. Syntax for dbload.
  1. Ways to create macro variables
  2. Data variable vs macro variables
  3. Data types in macros.
  4. Length range for numeric, character, macro variable.
  5. Purpose of %eval and %syseval
  6. Local macro variable Vs Global macro variable.
  7. User macro var Vs System macro var.
  8. Creating variables using INTO class (by default global)
  9. %local and % global
  10. Indirect reference in macros
  11. Nested macros
  12. %sysfunc
  13. Quoting functions – %str, %nrstr
  14. Call symput (executed by sas processor)
  15. Symget Function
  16. How to debug the macros?
  17. Difference between MLOGIC and Symbolgen?
  18. What is Symbol table?
  19. How to create global macro variables inside a macro?
  20. How to create local macro variables using Call Symput?

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